SSC CHSL Books 2024-25
You don’t need to read a lot of books to pass the SSC CHSL exam. You will need to read a total of 5 books for Tier 1 and 4 books separately for Tier 2. You will find a lot of ssc chsl books in the market but we will tell you the name of the book that will help you score maximum marks.
All these books are recommended by experts and toppers. In this, you will have to read English, Quantitative Aptitude, General Knowledge, Logical Reasoning, Computer Knowledge and Skill/Typing Test.
Best books for ssc chsl preparation
This exam is conducted in 2 tiers, first is Tier 1 and second is Tier 2. In Tier 1, you have to study 4 subjects, which include English, Quantitative Aptitude, General Knowledge and Logical reasoning. In Tier 2, you have to study 2 subjects, Computer Knowledge and Skill Test/Typing Test.
Best books for SSC CHSL Tier 1
There are many books for Tier 1, but we are giving the names of some selected books, which are suggested by experts –